Cross Building tcsh with ELLCC

Now that ELLCC can build itself, it’s time to do some testing of other packages. I thought tcsh (a widely used command shell for *nix) would be a good choice, because it would exercise a bunch of system calls and standard library functions on all the targets.

I created a tcsh directory under the ELLCC test/src directory and got the latest version of tcsh sources.

I made a modified build script and Makefile to do the overall configure and build because I wanted an easy way to create executables for all the targets. The build script creates a directory for each target and runs the tcsh configure program in the directory:

# ELLCC build script.

# Get the staging directory.
prefix=`cd ../../..; pwd`

# Figure out the compilers to use.
. $prefix/build-setup $*

echo Configured to $WHY.
echo C compiler: $cc $CFLAGS
echo C++ compiler: $cxx $CXXFLAGS
echo In: build$builddir

if [ "x$arg1" != "x" ] ; then
    # Build for a single target.

# Configure for all active targets in the target list.
for t in $targets; do
  t=`basename $t -elf`
  if [ -e $prefix/libecc/mkscripts/targets/$t/ ] ; then
    echo Configuring for $t-$os
    mkdir -p build-$t-$os
    make DIR=build-$t-$os CC=$cc CXX=$cxx AR=$ar TARGET=$t OS=$os \
        target=$t haslibs=$haslibs \
        bindir=$bindir prefix=$prefix build=$build \
        configure || exit 1

    make -C build-$t-$os || exit 1

The build script uses a simple make file to get the proper build parameters for each target:

-include $(prefix)/libecc/mkscripts/targets/$(TARGET)/

ifneq ($(TARGET),$(build))

ifneq ($(CC),gcc)
  ifeq ($(haslibs),yes)

        cd $(DIR) ; \
        ../src/configure \
        CC=$(CC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" \
        --bindir=$(bindir) --prefix=$(prefix) \
        $(HOST) $(BUILD) $(TARGETS)

        rm -fr build-*

Now building is a simple as:

[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev% ./build

This will do all the configures and makes. The file command can tell what each binary is:

[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev% file */tcsh
build-armeb-linux/tcsh:      ELF 32-bit MSB executable, ARM, version 1, statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0x078219cbae606a2a0f587d2ef1ec08cb2f74507d, not stripped
build-arm-linux/tcsh:        ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0x1e9b7097aeabe9d87bab6a6c58299d5e9ad8420b, not stripped
build-i386-linux/tcsh:       ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0xe22f2010af0036439a4291a813fe52281fc0a854, not stripped
build-microblaze-linux/tcsh: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped
build-mipsel-linux/tcsh:     ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-I version 1, statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0x38cea1a3ab4fbc8499d49c9db3d81fb61856694d, not stripped
build-mips-linux/tcsh:       ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-I version 1, statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0xfb15ef6c9556283827968236f14b182f23ecc1e0, not stripped
build-ppc-linux/tcsh:        ELF 32-bit MSB executable, PowerPC or cisco 4500, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0x728ba20e60011cb9e4daff2961c285fa689e23aa, not stripped
build-x86_64-linux/tcsh:     ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0xbd05c401b4275cb101304547a070d55dd296227c, not stripped
[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev%

The size command will give a comparison of the executable size of each target:

[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev% size */tcsh
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
 852268   11940   84232  948440   e78d8 build-armeb-linux/tcsh
 850044   11940   84232  946216   e7028 build-arm-linux/tcsh
 836222   11932   83960  932114   e3912 build-i386-linux/tcsh
1211936   11944   84104 1307984  13f550 build-microblaze-linux/tcsh
 963356   11984   84088 1059428  102a64 build-mipsel-linux/tcsh
 963536   11984   84088 1059608  102b18 build-mips-linux/tcsh
 892092   13364   84352  989808   f1a70 build-ppc-linux/tcsh
 878438   15800   89840  984078   f040e build-x86_64-linux/tcsh
[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev%

It is interesting that the microblaze text section is to much larger than the rest.

I’ll try to run one of the executables.

[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev% ~/ellcc/bin/qemu-ppc build-ppc-linux/tcsh
[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev% echo $version
tcsh 6.18.01 (Astron) 2012-02-14 (ppc-apple-linux) options wide,nls,dl,al,kan,rh,color,filec
[~/ellcc/test/src/tcsh] dev%

Sure enough, it is an ppc-apple-linux build (!?!). Fun.

3 thoughts on “Cross Building tcsh with ELLCC

  1. tMH

    Dear Author, another question about making tcsh for mipsel.
    I successfully compiled “hello world” proggie for my mediaplayer, now I want to ask you about explaining step by step how can I compile tcsh-6.19-00 for mipsel, please. What is interested:
    1) Where should I put 1st build script? in tcsh-6.19.00 folder or where?
    2) First prefix define makes strange steps when I run it:
    dev@stgrace:~/tcsh-6.19.00$ cd ../../..; pwd
    3) If prefix should be (in my case) defined for /home/dev/ellcc folder , then I do not see no build-setup shell script there, yet I do not see build-setup not in ellcc folder, not in tcsh-6.19.00 folder. Nothing.
    4) What about variables $WHY, $CC, $CCFLAGS, $CXXFLAGS, and – build$builddir ?
    5) Might be your scripts are _parts_ which should be injected in existing Makefile and/or configure script ?

    Please reply and – Thank you in advance!:)


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