Cross Building Linux With ELLCC: Part 3 – Other Flavors of Pi

Update: Cross Building Linux With ELLCC: Part 4 – Building Linux on the Mac
In my last post I described using ELLCC to build Linux for the Raspberry Pi B+. In ELLCC version 0.1.24 I added a script to build Linux for both the Pi B+ and the Pi 2. As a bonus, the script also builds a bunch of userland programs

First grab the latest binary release:

[~] dev% wget
[~] dev% tar xvfp ellcc-x86_64-linux-eng-0.1.24.tgz

Now decide what target to build:

[~] dev% cd ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev% ls
00_rpilinux-4.1.15.patch   bin/    etc/            makefile      sbin/
99_llvmlinux-4.1.15.patch  build*  iproute2.patch  ntfs3g.patch  sinit/
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev% ./build 
usage: ./build [options] target
    -nokernel           Don't build the Linux kernel
    -clean              Clean up a previous build
    help                This message
    bcmrpi              Raspberry Pi    (ARMv6)
    bcm2709             Raspberry Pi 2  (ARMv7)
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev%

Run the build command again, with the board you need as an argument (I’m going to time the build with time):

[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev% time ./build bcm2709
... (lots of output removed)
4984.143u 435.744s 22:52.57 394.8%      0+0k 704+4154968io 2pf+0w
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev% 

As SpongeBob would say, “23 minutes later.” When the build is finished, the ecclinux directory looks like this:

[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev% ls
00_rpilinux-4.1.15.patch   bin/       etc/            linux-4.1.15/  sbin/
99_llvmlinux-4.1.15.patch  build*     image/          makefile       sinit/
arm-linux-engeabihf/       download/  iproute2.patch  ntfs3g.patch
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev%

There are three new directories: download/ contains tar files that have been downloaded in case you need them again, arm-linux-engeabihf/ is where the build was made for the ARMv7, and image/ is where the binaries were installed. Let’s take a look at image/arm-linux-engeabihf/:

[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev% ls image/arm-linux-engeabihf/
bcm2709/  bin/  etc/  lib/  sbin/  usr/  var/
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux] dev% 

The bcm2709/ directory is what will be in the /boot directory in the final Raspberry Pi 2 SD image. It has Pi 2 specific files in it, including the kernel:

[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev% ls bcm2709/
dtbs/  vmlinuz-4.1.15-v7
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev%

Here’s what the bin and sbin directories look like:

[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev% ls bin/ sbin/ 
[*           ed*           ksh*         nltrigger*   sha256sum*    tty*
basename*    eject*        last*        nohup*       sha512sum*    umount*
cal*         env*          lastlog*     od*          sleep*        uname*
cat*         ex@           link*        pagesize*    smdev*        unexpand*
chattr*      expand*       ln*          passwd*      sort*         uniq*
chgrp*       expr*         logger*      paste*       split*        unlink*
chmod*       fallocate*    login*       pidof*       sponge*       unshare*
chown*       false*        logname*     pivot_root*  stat*         uptime*
chroot*      find*         ls*          printenv*    strings*      uudecode*
chvt*        flock*        lsattr*      printf*      su*           uuencode*
cksum*       fold*         lsmod*       ps*          swaplabel*    uuidgen*
clear*       free*         lsusb*       pwd*         swapoff*      view@
cmp*         freeramdisk*  md5sum*      readahead*   swapon*       vim*
cols*        fsfreeze*     mesg*        readlink*    switch_root*  vimdiff@
comm*        getconf*      mkdir*       renice*      sync*         vimtutor*
cp*          getty*        mkfifo*      respawn*     sysctl*       vtallow*
cron*        grep*         mknod*       rm*          tail*         watch*
ctrlaltdel*  halt*         mkswap*      rmdir*       tar*          wc*
cut*         head*         mktemp*      rmmod*       tee*          which*
date*        hostname*     mount*       run_nldev*   test*         who*
dd*          hwclock*      mountpoint*  rview@       tftp*         whoami*
df*          id*           mv*          rvim@        time*         xargs*
dirname*     insmod*       nice*        sed*         touch*        xxd*
dmesg*       join*         nl*          seq*         tr*           yes*
du*          kill*         nldev*       setsid*      true*
echo*        killall5*     nlmon*       sha1sum*     truncate*

badblocks*   findfs@        mke2fs*            ntfs-3g.secaudit*  resize2fs*
blkid*       fsck*          mkfs.ext2@         ntfs-3g.usermap*   routef*
bridge*      fsck.ext2@     mkfs.ext3@         ntfscat*           routel*
ctstat@      fsck.ext3@     mkfs.ext4@         ntfsclone*         rtacct*
debugfs*     fsck.ext4@     mkfs.ext4dev@      ntfscluster*       rtmon*
dumpe2fs*    fsck.ext4dev@  mkfs.ntfs@         ntfscmp*           rtpr*
e2freefrag*  genl*          mklost+found*      ntfscp*            rtstat@
e2fsck*      ifcfg*         mkntfs*            ntfsfix*           sdhcp*
e2image*     ifstat*        mount.lowntfs-3g@  ntfsinfo*          sinit*
e2label@     ip*            mount.ntfs-3g@     ntfslabel*         ss*
e2undo*      lnstat*        nstat*             ntfsls*            tune2fs*
e4defrag*    logsave*       ntfs-3g*           ntfsresize*        uuidd*
filefrag*    lowntfs-3g*    ntfs-3g.probe*     ntfsundelete*
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev%

Not bad for 23 minutes of work!

If you want to try the kernel on your Pi 2, you need to copy vmlinuz-4.1.15-v7 to the Rasbian /boot directory as kernel7.img. In my case, my Pi 2 is at so I can do this:

[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev% scp bcm2709/vmlinuz-4.1.15-v7 root@
root@'s password: 
vmlinuz-4.1.15-v7                              100% 4355KB   4.3MB/s   00:00    
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev%

After a reboot:

[rich@dev ~]$ ssh root@
root@'s password: 

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Fri Jan  1 17:28:43 2016 from
root@raspberrypi:~# dmesg | less
[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0xf00
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[    0.000000] Linux version 4.1.15-v7 (rich@dev) (ecc 0.1.24 based on clang version 3.8.0 (trunk) (based on LLVM 3.8.0svn)) #1 SMP Mon Jan 4 20:45:34 CST 2016

Not bad. To complete the kernel update you’ll also want to update the kernel modules:

[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev% ls lib/modules/4.1.15-v7/
kernel/            modules.builtin      modules.dep.bin  modules.softdep
modules.alias      modules.builtin.bin  modules.devname  modules.symbols
modules.alias.bin  modules.dep          modules.order    modules.symbols.bin
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev% scp -r lib/modules/4.1.15-v7/ root@
root@'s password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
root@'s password: 
modules.symbols                                100%  146KB 146.2KB/s   00:00    
modules.dep                                    100%  131KB 131.1KB/s   00:00  
modules.builtin.bin                            100% 5903     5.8KB/s   00:00    
modules.builtin                                100% 4341     4.2KB/s   00:00    
[~/ellcc/libecc/ecclinux/image/arm-linux-engeabihf] dev%

Reboot again and even the mouse and keyboard work.

In Part 4, I’ll show how to make the SD image and use the userland programs that we’ve built. In the mean time you can copy them to the Pi’s SD card and use them.

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